Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alexx Smith, Concentration 2.

The objective of this shoot was to convey the idea that dolls have come to life with an evil twist, killing their “owners”.

Suzanne Kuhrmann detail portrait.

                   This describes me because I love to play soccer, and have been playing for awhile.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bridget Harrah, Detail Portrait.

Megan Schlosser, Detail Portrait

I choose to photograph this necklace because my sister's birth stone and my birth stone are inside of the girls dresses. My sister is a big part of me, this is why I decided to incorporate her into MY detail portrait.

Paige Christon, detail portiat

Bonet-detail portrait

This is an abstract representation of me because I run track.

David Michaels- Detail Portrait

Logan Detail Portrait

This image shows a close-up of my high-hat

Madert- Detail

Brooke Dixon, Detailed Potrait.

Brooke Dixon, Design Principles, Movement.

This is in Carroll creek, i dropped a rock in the water and captured the splash.

Allie Raymond- Emphasis

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Coposky- Detail Portrait

This photo tells about me because I love to bake and you use brown sugar a lot while baking.

Simmons- Design Principle

The image above shows movement with the fish swimming in the cup.

Hayley Simmons-Detail

This shows that i'm artistic.

Zudal-Detail Portrait

This image shows i love soccer and it is a big part of my life.

McDonald- Detail

This photo shows that music is a big part of my life.

Bailey Hayek- Detail Portrait

This image represents that I love to dance and it also shows that I am a happy person by being bright and colorful (:

amber stevens, detail portrait

                             This is an image in grayscale that shows one of the sports i like to do
I choose this photo because it really defines me and how much time i used to devote before i lost them.

Geck: Detail Portrait

Each image in the detail portrait shoot is meant to represent something about the photographer. This photograph of my piccolo represents my love of being in band and making music.

Higgs- Detail Portrait

My iPod describes me because it is with me everywhere i go since i listen to music all the time.

Guerra- Detail

From the detail shoot.
The objective of this assignment was to photograph things that best portray ourselves.
This is me in a nutshell.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rachel Wolford "Space Between"

This picture is based off a song called Space Between by: Valencia. The lyrics are "blue sky sunrise and all the space between." The guy in the song is using drinking to get over his ex and the light color at the top is the girl being the good and the color in the bottom represents the guys true side while the dark represents how his excessive drinking has taken over him.

Guerra- Design Principles: Rhythm

The image above shows rhythm within the repetition of lines in the fence.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kaytlynn Chism-- Graveyards2 (photo 3)

An angel lying on a grave for a young child.

Kaytlynn Chism-- Graveyards (photo 3)

Image of my friend sitting at a graveyard with a bouquet of flowers. Used selective color to just bring out the color of the flowers.

J. Bonett-design principles-emphasis

                               By using the rule of thirds in this photo, the emphasis is put on the football.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Alexx Smith, Concentration 1.

This photoshoot was based on the theme of portraying real life activites (such as interacting with ways of transportation) with toys replacing the object the person is interacting with.

The editing made me want to tear my hair out.

Rachel Wolford "Space Between"

Picture is based off a song and the guy in the song is using alcohol to get over his ex.  

Eric Logan, Emphasis

The red guitar is placed on the green background to draw your attention towards the guitar.

Suzanne Kuhrmann- Design Principles, balance

This shows asymmetrical balance because it has equal weight on both sides.

Paige Christon, Design Principle Proportion

This shows proportion by the frogs being different sizes.

Bridget Harrah, Proportion.

This image represents proportion by the flower being larger than the other flowers in the background.

Madert, Design Principle: Emphasis

Lindsay McDonald, Design Principles (Balance)

The apple and tomato show balance through contrast.

stevens, amber design principles shoot-(proprtion)

             This is an example of proportion because the objects are two different sizes. the clothes pins are closer to the camera.

Alison Hertzberg Design Principles- Proportion

This image shows proportion because it is comparing a recycling bin to a newspaper.

David Michaels- Design Principle (Movement)

Emily Mitchell, Movement

Water droplets and water splashing represents movement.

Schlosser, Design Principles Emphasis

This shows Empahsis by the way the light hits the leaf.

Sydney Smith, Emphasis

The model is wrapped in lights and stands out from the dark, this image shows emphasis.

Bailey Hayek- Design Principle (Variety)

The different color crayons show variety and this image also shows the compositional technique of line dominance.

Kaitie Geck-- Design Principles

This image displays the design principle of movement through a long exposure shot.